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tv   Shepard Smith Reporting  FOX News  January 11, 2019 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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the woman says the money was for christmas gifts. thanks for joining us here at "the daily briefing." i'm dana perino. here's shep. >> shepard: it's 3:00 on the east coast, 2:00 p.m. in wisconsin where 13-year-old jayme closs has escaped a man that cops say murdered her parents and held her captive for months. we'll speak live to her aunt. also, what we know about this suspect now in custody. plus, the first payday without a paycheck for 800,000 or so feel workers across the nation. the shut down hours away from becoming the longest in american history. now there's word the white house is looking at using disaster relief money for a border barrier. one democrat says republicans should open up the constitution. we'll show you how americans are stepping up to help members of
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the coast guard. the on branch of the military working without pay. reporting begins now. good friday afternoon from the deck. our reporting begins with a teenage girl's daring escape after police say her suspected kidnapper killed her parents and held her hostage for three months. now police say 13-year-old jayme closs is finally reuniting with her family. details on that coming. the clare in barren county, wisconsin says jake patterson is in custody. the associated press says he worked at the same plant as jayme's parents for one day three years ago. cops say he targeted not the parents but the teenager and killed the parents as part of the kidnapping. here's what we've learned from police. the cops say the suspect broke into the closs family home in baren wisconsin on october 15. they say he shot and killed
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jayme's parents and kidnapped jayme. yesterday afternoon after an hour north of there in the remote town of gordon, jayme somehow escaped. what happened in the middle? we don't know. a woman that was walking her dog says the girl came up and asked for help. that's when they went to another neighbor's house and called 911. the sheriff says there were a lot of tears and hugs when they found out that jayme was alive. >> my head spins as you have seen for the last 88 days. it's amazing the will of that 13-year-old girl to survive and escape. >> shepard: and right now police say jayme is being reunited with her family after spending 88 days somewhere in some condition with this kidnapper. and escaping from a remote cabin in the woods. there's so much about those 88 days we don't know. matt finn reporting live in gordon, wisconsin this
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afternoon. matt? >> shep, this is that remote area where police say the suspect, 21-year-old jake thomas patterson lives. the scene is still active here. police have the road closed off. authorities tell us that they're still working to get a better idea of what the inside of the house looked like because they had to get a warrant to get in the house. police have not released many details about the potential horrors. authorities say the suspect doesn't have a criminal background, but he has some type of connection to jamie's hometown of baren, wisconsin where he murdered jayme closs' parents. >> we believe jayme was the only target. i can tell you the subject planned his actions and took many proactive steps to hide his identity from law enforcement and the general public. >> police say jayme closs escaped the house down this road wearing shoes that were too big for her feet.
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she flagged down the dog walker that we now know was a protective child services worker for 30 years. shep? >> shepard: what do we know about the reunion, if anything? >> our fox affiliate right now is reporting that jayme is likely back in her hometown in baren wisconsin. there's a caravan driving around that town that is taking jayme to her different relatives. she has a large extended family that treasures her and loves her and spent every day praying for her and gathering resources to find her. police say jayme was cleared medically, but all of this is bittersweet. as she's being reunited with her extended family, she faces the reality that her parents are no longer with her and police say she likely witnessed their execution in her own home. jayme's family tells us that they recorded the funeral of
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jayme's parents because they believe one day she would come back alive and be able to say good-bye to her parents via that video, shep. >> shepard: matt finn on scene. thank you. jayme's aunt is with us. kelly inglehart is the sister of jayme's father. she never gave up on her niece. we've been thinking about your family throughout this ordeal. i don't know how you've done it. how is she? >> we haven't gotten to see her yet. we're waiting on the word and we're excited. we can't wait. >> shepard: do you know anything about the last 88 days yet? >> we know nothing. we have not been told anything yet. the sheriff at the press conference earlier said they're still gathering the details. we'll be anxious to hear what it has been like the last 88 days. >> shepard: okay. were you satisfied with the
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investigation? >> absolutely. we have been supportive from day one from the local authorities, sheriff fitzgerald, fbi, everybody. we cannot thank them enough for all the hard work that they put into this case. our family is extremely grateful. >> shepard: the bravery and poise and dignity that you and you family show is exemplary. what kinds of questions are important for you regarding your family members that are gone and the one that is still here? >> well, right now, we're just focusing on what we have. not focusing on what we don't have, which is my brother and my sister-in-law. jayme has been found. that's what we've wanted. we know where my brother and sister-in-law are. we didn't know where jayme was. now we do. that's the puzzle piece that was
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missing and now we have that and we are beyond words. we cannot -- my family cannot express how happy we are. we're excited. >> shepard: do you know when you'll see jayme? >> we do not. we're waiting for that text message or that phone call to let them know that we can see here. we are also being patient, this is overwhelming for her as well. we'll be on their schedule and do what they sea we can do. >> shepard: godspeed and all the best, a lot of people across the nation are thinking about you and wishing you well. >> thank you. we appreciate the love and support we felt from total strangers. thank you. >> shepard: extraordinary. all the best. we've just gotten some important news from the president. president trump has just announced he will not declare a national emergency right now in an effort to get money for his
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proposed border wall. those remarks came moment ago. earlier today, he put up -- he sent a tweet out with a picture of a wall that said there's new construction, there's no barrier construction. there's replacement on old parts. it's not happened. but this news that he won't declare a national emergency for the moment comes as the partial government shut down enters week three or about to get to week three mark tying the longest in united states history. today 800,000 federal employees are set to miss their first paychecks. or they'll get one but looks like this #unhelpful. this is the pay stub of an air traffic controller at newark airport. we'll have more on how the shutdown is affecting air travel. president trump said the law would be 100% on his side if he declared a national emergency. that isn't settled. critics say it would be an overreach of presidential power and would almost certainly be
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met with legal challenges and it would. think of a future democratic president that said and our own analysts put it, chris stirewalt and others, guns are a national emergency. we have to get the guns. it's a similar thing. or climate change is such a catastrophe and it is that we'll have to take the following, no more fossil fuels because it's a national emergency. it's the same thing. currently 31 national emergency declarations are in effect. the law allowing them dates back to 1976. it does not clearly define what constitutes a national emergency. a national emergency declaration allows the president to free up money without the okay from congress. it's a way to speed up responses to widespread sicknesses, a way to speed up reaction to a weather disaster or fires in california that the president says he no longer wants to fund. republicans and democrats are urging him don't do it.
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don't use an emergency declaration for a political promise and argument that there's a national emergency. john roberts is live on the north lawn. the headline right now is no national emergency. >> that's the same thing the president said yesterday. he said it a few minutes ago in the cabinet room. he's holding another event to try to convince people of the need for a border barrier. 230 miles of new border barrier. he's meeting with state and local and community officials trying to building pressure on democrats to come to the table and negotiate over all of that. earlier today, the vice president, mike pence, addressing employees of customs and border protection defending the humanitarian crisis on the border saying there's a dramatic increase in the number of family units that have been making the dangerous trip through mexico to the u.s. border.
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listen here. >> there were 10,000 more members of families and unaccompanied children in the last month then when was obama called ate humanitarian crisis in the rose garden in 2014. >> the president again threatening to declare a national emergency to build the 200 miles of fencing, some of that is where he is now, the rio grande valley sector just south of mccowan, texas. he said the republican party, there's senator ted cruz and john cornyn with him, is unified on the need for border security. senator chuck grassley in an interviewing saying i believe you'll find it in the courts almost immediately. i don't think he should do that. it's a bad precedent.
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this from lindsey graham just a short time ago. just met with president trump and his team. it's clear that both of us, the democrats don't want a real deal and will never support border wash/barriers. mr. president, declare a national emergency now. build a wall now. you mentioned at the top, federal workers missing their first pay period. political pressure will mount quickly to reopen the government. the president saying today the administration is taking steps to mitigate the effects of a continued shut down. listen here. >> we made sure that food stamp benefits will go forward. i'm also pleased to report to you that with the full support of the president of the united states, just moments ago, the house of representatives passed legislation that will ensure that all the dedicated professionals at customs and border protection and all of the agencies affected by this shut
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down will be paid in full when the government reopens. >> the president holding out a carrot the democrats saying in addition to border security, willing to negotiate on daca, immigration reform, h1-b visas. we should hear more from the president shortly. i'm sure he's getting everybody in the room to say something about border security before the pool cameras that are in there. it may be some time but we'll hear from him. >> shepard: okay. john roberts in the yard there. coming up, a live report from capitol hill. federal employers work without pay. a major international airport is shutting down a terminal as tsa agents call out sick. that's coming up from the fox news deck on this friday afternoon. which is the only egg good enough for my family? only eggland's best. with more farm-fresh taste,
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or vision changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i discovered the potential with ozempic®. ♪ oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! ♪ ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. >> shepard: you probably heard about airport security screeners calling out sick because they're not getting paid during the shut down. in miami, the problem is apparently so significant that they're closing down an entire terminal for part of the weekend, part of the time. because they say tsa workers have been calling out sick at double the usual rate. last weekend, tsa sick-outs were not happening. air traffic controllers are suing the trump administration over the shut down. air traffic controllers. they're also working and required to work and cannot strike. they're working right now for
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absolutely no pay. you think they're not growing to call out sick? mike emanuel reporting live on capitol hill. hello, mike. >> congress is gone, donor the week. it ended with top leaders in the house trading jabs. >> the government is shut down. there's no excuse for that. the president wants his way. he's taking 800,000 people hostage and the ransom he demands is his wall. >> a leading republican says democrats must negotiate with president trump on border security. >> we could end this crisis today, 21 day is too long and there's a solution. the solution includes it's not your way or the highway. you can't say we want everything or nothing. you have to be willing to put something on the table to security the border of this country. >> there do not appear to be in talks among lawmakers at this
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point. they're stuck in their corners, shep. >> shepard: there was action in the house? >> lawmakers passed a senate passed measure that would give the furloughed workers back pay once the shut down is over. here's part of the pitch. >> what they're saying over and over again, is government do not hurt us. help us. do not hurt us, help us. so promising they will receive back pay is the least that we can do. >> that's one area that both members of the parties agree, that there's real people being hurt by the shut down. >> we need to push pause on requesting specific conditions before talks resume. we need to lay down our swords and be willing to find not a democratic solution, not a republican solution, but a solution for all americans. >> when congress returns on
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monday, it will be day 24, a record, shep. >> shepard: mike emanuel on capitol hill. don't send texts unless you'd be okay seeing them on the front page of a newspaper. somebody may have for gotten to tell the world's richest guy. ts why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life. call usaa to start saving on insurance today. better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill
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>> shepard: starting to be clear open how a tabloid got their hands on jeff bezos' private text. the woman that he was dating shared their text with a friend that passed them on to the national inquirer. the parent company of the post and fox news share common ownership. the inquirer announced he was divorcing his wife and making he's ex-wife the wealthiest wife in all the world. trace gallagher reporting live. this is a thing. >> yeah, jeff bezos girlfriend, lauren sanchez, known here in los angeles. she hosted "good day l.a."
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he just separated from her husband in fall. she apparently sent texts from bezos to her friend as a way of boasting about their relationship. the texts are not raunchy. they're mini love letters. the time stamps shows that bezos and sanchez were seeing each other before he announced the separation from his wife. in may, bezos reportedly texted sanchez that he was in love with her. the national inquirer says bezos sent sanchez pictures of his private parts, which she was happy to share. the inquirer says they have been investigating bezos for month and the tabloid believe their findings caused bezos to go public. shep? >> shepard: and some critics are saying why the national inquirer didn't pun establish the story. >> yeah, bezos owns the post. trump has attacked bezos for his his administration has been
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covered by the post. news outlets said that long time trump alley the national inquire remembers didn't want the release scandalous photos of jeff bezos affair. that prompted speculation. last year david be picker turned on president trump admitting they paid hush money to cover up the affair with stormy daniels and agreed to work with prosecutors so the president and the inquirer are not on the best of terms these days. the final note, shep, after all is settled, bezos' ex-wife could be the richest woman in the world by more than $20 billion. shep? >> shepard: thanks, trace, a chinese tech executive facing spying charges in poland. the internal security agency
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reports that it arrested a manager for the chinese tech giant huawei which u.s. interests call a business security rest. huawei's chief security officer was arrested in canada after the company violated american restrictions on tech sales in iran. susan li has the rest of this now. hello, susan. >> polish authorities have detained and charge's huawei's local sales director for spying in poland. wong worked on welling huawei's i.t. equipment to the polish government. poland has arrested one of their own former officials in the i.t. security department. both pleading not guilty, a huawei spokesperson said the company is aware of the situation and looking into it. huawei has been accused by the u.s. and other governments for
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spying and hacking. huaweied is the world's second largest smart phone maker overtaking apple in shipments. they're blocked off in the u.s. and their phones are not allowed to be sold on u.s. defense facility. the u.s., australia, u.k., germany, japan and have a ingredient to stop using huawei equipment altogether or reviewing the process. shep? >> shepard: what more do we know about this executive behind bars up north? >> we should point out the charges are separated. these charges in poland are sprying. what you what's cfo is accused of misleading global banks to evade iran sanctions. he's awaiting trial for extradition to the u.s. and wong was arrested after changing planes. shep? >> shepard: susan li. thank you, ma'am. they protect our shores and stop drug traffickers.
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but members of the u.s. coast guard are members of the government that are affected by the shut down. coming up, we'll show you how americans are pitching in to help. we'll also talk to chris wallace where this is headed with the shut down set to become the long nest the u.s. history. here in new york city, city crime rates, violent crime rates are the lowest they've been in seven decades. streets are clean. things are good. come visit us. news continues in just a moment.
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ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at >> shepard: we're about to get a tape play back. the president's tape play-back is beginning now. this is about border wall and the rest. listen. >> thank you very much. >> what about the federal employees not being paid? >> the message is that i
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appreciate their service to the country. they're incredible people, the federal employees. many agree with what i'm saying and what the people in this room who are experts are saying. they don't want to see people killed because we can't do a simple border structure. i appreciate their incredible support. we have yesterday, it was -- i was watching this morning and reading this morning that so many people are saying the president is doing what is right and even though it's affecting us, short term, temporarily, as you know, a bill was passed that i will sign in congress, making sure that everybody will be paid immediately upon when this is over. but i really appreciate that fact that they have handled it so incredibly well. many of them a gray with what we're doing. we have no choice. steve? >> 24 hours ago you said you
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were going to declare -- >> no. i said i could do it. i'll tell you why. it's the easy way out. congress should do this. this is too simple. it's too basic. congress should do this. if they can't do it, if at some point they can't do it, this is a 15-minute meeting. if they can't do it, i will declare a national emergency. i have the absolute right to do it. it says as clear as you can. now, what will happen? i'll be sued. it will be brought to the ninth circuit. even to the wording is unambiguous with the travel ban, it will be appealed to the ninth circuit and will probably lose there, too and then hopefully we'll win in the supreme court. but that's what happens. you can take the most perfectly worded document as we have in
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this case and they will always bring to it the ninth circuit. you never know what will come out of the ninth circuit. you never know what will come out on appeal. fortunately we have the supreme court that has treated us very fairly. so i'd rather not do it. this is something that congress should do. this is something that the democrats should do. i don't want to give an easy way out of somethings that simple as this. not only simple, it's easy and it's going to -- you know, we have a country that is under siege. you can actually -- a lot of people don't like the word "invasion." we have a country that is being invaded by criminals and drugs and we're going to stop it. so i want the democrats too come back to washington and vote. thank you very much. thank you.
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thank you very much. >> shepard: the president's assertions are refuted by his own government. the government that says the majority of drugs come through ports of call. the democrats have offered up money to increase security at ports of call. in addition the funding of a border wall was the superintendent -- subject of the mid-term elections. during the elections, president campaigned for candidates saying you have to vote for republicans to build the wall. the democrats picked up more than 40 seats in the house of representatives, ran on no wall funding. the democrats that control the purse in the house of representatives have said no
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wall funding. the president has said yes, wall funding and he closed down the government as a result. chris wallace is in washington. you wonder how long this will go on. >> well, it's going to go on because congress is out of session. it will go on at least till tomorrow, which will be the 22nd day, which will be the all-time record nor a government shun down with no sign of this closing any time soon. the real headline today, while yesterday the president seemed on the verge of declaring a national emergency and say that he was going to repurpose funding that went for disaster relief or military construction to build the wall, he said flatly that he's not going to do it any time soon. he wants congress to solve this. part of the reason is because of a concern if he does declare a national emergency, it will immediately be a lawsuit. as he said, it will go out to a
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district court in the ninth circuit and the experience has been that they'll find a judge there that will rule against the president and stop the building of the wall, to stop the national emergency. the government will reopen and the president won't have a wall. all we'll have is a lawsuit that will go on for months or a year. so that way he wouldn't get his wall. he would have gotten the gesture but not the wall. so he will continue to fight this on. >> shepard: the way you just described it, there's no win for him. >> well, one idea that is being suggested, not necessarily a win but might shuffle the deck. it's an intriguing idea. if the president would agree to a three-week pause in the shut down. reopen the government with a continuing resolution, fund all the agencies for three weeks and give congress those three weeks and say as a deadline, if you don't come up with something at the end of those three weeks, then i'm going to declare a
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national emergency. that sort of ends the shut down and the prospect that has begun in earnest today where 800,000 government workers are not being paid and will put more pressure on democrats and republicans in congress to come up with a solution. now, whether or not under any circumstances democrats are going to agree to finance a wall is an open question. it would -- >> shepard: really? >> at least shuffle the deck. >> shepard: how is that an open question? democrats have said from the beginning, the experts say walls don't work. you can go around them. most of the problems are through ports of call anyway. they ran on no wall. they said there's no funding. they said there's no way we'll give you funding. it's about our moral standing, that's from nancy pelosi. so why in the world would democrats pack down while the president has no path to a victory on his campaign promise that isn't even the original campaign promise, that is mexico will pay for it?
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>> because the argument would be that if he can make it seem that he's not being unreasonable and digging his heels in the ground but it's the democrats -- you say walls don't work -- >> shepard: i didn't say it. democrats say it. >> walls do work. i'm not saying you need a 1,000 mile wall or 2,000 mile wall. democrats have approved hundreds of miles of wall in the past. we have a wall -- >> shepard: they say they're not approving wall now no matter what. >> i'm not sure that they wouldn't agree if -- >> shepard: that's what they said. >> it would clearly have to be a bigger deal. they're not just going to cave on the wall. they have to get something in return and that obviously would have to be protection whether it's for the dreamers or go big and go for comprehensive immigration reform. i don't think they have time for that. if he -- i'm not going to say he's going to do it but there is talk about that in washington. >> shepard: you know, the democrats are saying the president is using 800,000
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federal workers, tsa agents and coast guard people as pawns in a political game. >> well, that's a question i asked sarah sanders sunday. she said the president is holding them hostage. there's no obvious connection between a tsa worker and a border wall no obvious connection between and irs agent or an fbi investigator and the wall. the only reason that they want this broad government shut down is only 25% of the government, but still hundreds of thousands of workers is because it gives the president more leverage. but that is one of the weak points in their argument. the idea why do you have to shut down agriculture and treasury and justice and all of these other departments if this is a fight over homeland security and the wall. >> shepard: i guess we'll see what happens as the president might say. >> yeah. we'll see what happens, a fair prediction. i'll tell you what will happen on "fox news sunday." >> shepard: great.
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>> senator lindsey graham that was trying to get a compromise. mike pence said nope, no, no daca deal. we're going to wait and see what the supreme court says. now he's calling for -- declaring a national emergency. we'll get his latest thinking. he met with the president today. so he may tell us what the president's latest thinking is. we'll talk to chris coons from delaware and get the latest thinking of democrats in all of this. is there the possibility of compromise? are we just going to shut down 25% of the government forever? >> shepard: he said months of years if necessary. >> he did. >> shepard: the rebels are playing at mississippi state saturday at 1:00 eastern time. if you're not doing anything -- >> shepard: is that football? >> basketball. football is over, chris. >> shepard: there's a sport for every season. they have won nine in a row. mississippi state is 0-1.
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i'm excited about it. give me that. then it's baseball season. i'm excited about that too, chris. make me happy. >> who are you rooting for there? >> the rebels, chris. >> we're talking about college baseball? >> shepard: coming february 13. >> how did ole miss do in football? the big sport. >> shepard: you want to talk about the past, chris? i like the future. it's bright and rosy. >> you sound like donald trump. >> shepard: don't ever say that again. goodness. i'll be watching before the rebels. the rebels are on at 1:00 eastern. i'm pretty sure they're on cbs. so down there -- here in new york, that's channel 2. i don't know what channel cbs -- >> are they on national -- >> shepard: yes, just like you, chris. >> "fox news sunday," don't compare it to the mississippi rebels basketball team. >> shepard: you're right.
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i apologize, rebels. coach kermit davis will have a big day at the hump. watch that stuff. your show will be over. you won't have anything to do for six more days. >> okay. we done yet? >> shepard: i guess. te till the misses hello. >> i will. >> shepard: defense officials have said they have started the process -- i don't blame you, man. >> there's enough bad. we can have a moment of something. troops, syria, president order, reporting, pentagon next. highest life expectanciese e in the country. you see so many people walking around here in their hundreds. so how do you stay financially well for all those extra years? well, you have to start planning as early as possible. we all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. i don't have a whole lot saved up, but i'm working on it now. i will do whatever i need to do.
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>> shepard: after some conflicting statements from the white house about the timing and conditions of the u.s. withdrawal from syria, the defense department confirms today the process has begun. lucas tomlinson reporting live at the pentagon. hi, lucas. >> hi, shep. bottom line, the president ordered all u.s. troops out of syria and some equipment is coming out. it could be months before all 2,000 troops leave. the statement says the u.s. military has begun the process of our deliberate withdrawal from syria. we will not discuss troop locations or timelines.
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officials say a u.s. base will continue as long as possible near the iran border. mike pompeo said america would not be retreating until isis and al-quaida were retreated. he criticized the obama administration for doing just that. >> we learned that when america retreats, chaos often follows. when we neglect our friends, resentment builds. when we partner with enemies, they advance. >> while isis has been defeated in eastern syria, al-quaida forces are gaining ground in western syria. turkey's foreign minister says his forces could launch an invasion to crush america's kurdish allies. john bolton tried to get turkey not to attack. it appears the process failed. >> shepard: thanks, chris. mike pompeo is also bringing the
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administration's anti-iran message to the gulf arab states as he tours the middle east this week. the state department correspondent rich edson has been traveling with secretary pompeo and sat down with him in cairo for a one-on-one. >> shep, we're looking at a question of whether or not what the political future of syria will look like as a result of this. in 2017, rex tillerson said bashar al-assad said he would play no role in the country's political future. but he's consolidated power since then. so we asked the current secretary of state whether that still applies. whether assad will have any control over that future. here's what he said. >> we're very hopeful that we get the bad actors, the russians and the iranians to come to the table along with the regime and all the other stakeholders in there to come to the table and have conversations about what a post civil war political
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structure might look like in syria. we want too make sure the options are open. >> pompeo announced a middle east summit in poland next month where dozens of country will address iranian issues. >> shepard: he talked about the american facing spying charges in russia? >> yeah, he did. he asked -- we asked him about paul whelan, an american citizen. russia said he was spying for the united states. we asked the former cia director and current secretary of state whether that is the case. >> i can't say much more than already has been said. the american people should know that the trump administration is very focused on making sure that every american detained anywhere in the world has been treated properly, handled accordingly and where they're not using every lever of u.s. power to make sure they're returned home safely to their family. that's the case in russia and across the world for a lot of reasons. i can't say much more about that
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particular case. >> you can't deny he was spying for the u.s.? >> i don't have anything to add. >> shepard: whelan and his family have denied it. shep? >> the supreme court releasing an update on the justice ruth bader ginsberg and the news is good. that's coming up. a big winter storm set to hit a huge chunk of the country. see the area in blue? look out! go to the extreme weather center presently. hi, i'm joan lunden with a place for mom,
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>> shepard: the supreme court justice ruth bader ginsberg will work from home again next week while recovering from surgery and will consider cases based on briefs and transcripts. david has more. >> yeah, good afternoon. this is good news about justice ginsberg's health. it was three weeks ago that we found out she had the surgery for lung cancer.
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i wanted to read this statement for you. put it up. just released. it says justice ginsberg will continue to work from home next week and will participate in the consideration and decision of the cases on the basis of the briefs and transcripts of those oral arguments. her surgery is on track. the post surgery evaluation indicates no evidence of remaining disease, no further treatment is required. the 85-year-old justice missed oral arguments monday. while home, we're told the justice will get that information from her for four different clerks. that's the good news. court watchers should not read much into that she missed three days of arguments. she just needs time to recuperate. we expect to see her back february 19. >> shepard: david spunt live in washington. a powerful winter storm is
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coming. it's january. sporting a beard. you're quiet. >> yeah, the cold air is in place across the north. the storm track going south. places like north, philadelphia, boston still seeing one of your most snowless winters so far on record. however, if you're in st. louis, one of the bigger storm is on record. probably a foot of snow by the time this is done. you can see here, still some snow across indiana and ohio. not all that bad in d.c., maybe two or three inches by the time it's all done. maybe six inches across the higher elevations in central appalachians. the north, nothing going at all, shep. >> shepard: thanks, rick. keep it warm. good to see you. we'll have a fox news update on facebook watch. it's a minute's long news cast with unique content that streams live. a few short minutes from now. once it's concluded, it's
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available to you for you viewing and listening pressure any time on demand. should news break out, breaking news changeses everything on fox news channel. markets are down but only a smidge. "your world" with neil cavuto starts right now. >> that's being invaded by criminals and drugs and we're going to stop it. i want the democrats to come back to washington and vote. >> neil: all right. so he's still trying to avoid an emergency. claiming an emergency to force the issue. welcome. i'm neil cavuto, this is "your world." where in the world do we stand now? hours away from breaking the longest record government shut down in american history. now, at issue here is whether the. gets his wall. you're familiar with that, whether democrats go along with that and whether they can cobble together some deal that would save face on both sides. that appears at least intimately